

  1. Road trips
  2. Early morning coffee
  3. Good hair days
  4. Fresh scents
  5. New clothes
  6. Freshly washed face
  7. Sleeping in
  8. Ed Sheeran
  9. Getting lost in TV shows
  10. Cuddling
  11. Sitting in airports
  12. Meeting new people
  13. Hearing peoples dreams
  14. Slippers
  15. Sweatpants
  16. Making lists
  17. Writing
  18. A clean room
  19. Accomplishing a goal
  20. Hockey games
  21. Walks
  22. Pictures
  23. Coffee mugs
  24. Soft blankets
  25. Sunshine
  26. Dogs
  27. French Fries
  28. Rainy Sundays
  29. When water taste good
  30. Chips & salsa
  31. YouTube
  32. Bathrobes 
  33. Hearing people say ‘I love you’
  34. Bonfires
  35. My best friends
  36. Christmas lights
  37. Getting things in the mail
  38. Finding new music
  39. Country music
  40. Picnics
  41. The beach
  42. Traveling
  43. Dance parties
  44. Bubble baths
  45. The moon
  46. Lava lamps
  47. Making bracelets
  48. Baking
  49. Sunsets
  50. Learning
  51. Kids
  52. Laughing til I cry
  53. Chocolate
  54. Cute notebooks
  55. Psychology 
  56. Animals
  57. Surprises
  58. Turquoise 
  59. Honest people
  60. Decorating