The worst feeling you can feel is not being appreciated and being taken advantage of. Feeling like you’re putting in 110% into something and it meaning nothing to anyone else. All I want to do is make other people happy because that’s what makes me happy. I’ve given my all and my all doesn’t seem to be good enough anymore. I want someone to appreciate all that I do. See all the effort I put into even the smallest of things. I love with all my heart and it’s so dangerous. Anyone has to ability to drag me down and stomp on me at any given moment. It’s terrifying. I feel too much. I let people tell me what my worth is. If someone doesn’t like something I do, I let that thing tear me apart until I can’t handle it anymore. I knock myself down over the smallest things.
Maybe I’m giving my all to all the wrong people. If someone wants and needs you in their life, they’ll make it work. No matter the circumstances. I think sometimes we forget that we get to choose who is apart of our life and who isn’t. Sometimes we let the wrong people get too close to us and it ends up a mess. I remind myself how great I am, how someone is going to appreciate all that I do one day. Someone is going to love me like I love them. This goes for friendships, relationships, family relationships, everything.
We’re all worth so much more than what we think. We’re all amazing, we all have unique characteristic that someone else dies over. Don’t ever forget to love yourself everyday. We all get caught up in trying to be accepted by people, we often forget about ourselves and our well being. You always come first. Love yourself, cherish yourself, spoil yourself. Never become dependent on ANYONE because they can leave you in a split second like it never meant a thing to them.
Don’t forget your worth gals, you’re amazing.
xoxo, Kelly